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Man Faces Hearing After Cops Raid House Over Inoperable Shotgun Shell (VIDEO)

 Men With Guns Arrest Man For Owning A Shotgun Shell

WASHINGTON, DC – Mark Witascheck will finally have a hearing after he was arrested for having an inoperable firearm shell. Witascheck was the subject of a raid that found no firearms, but did find an inert shotgun shell from an old hunt. He was handcuffed along with his girlfriend, herded the children into a separate room while they ransacked his home.

Police reportedly used a battering ram to enter the home, discovering the shell, a legal gun holster and a box of antique bullets. He keeps his actual firearms in Virginia at a relative’s home. Witascheck has had seven hearings and this will be the eight. He’s still waiting to hear the government’s justification for the raid.

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