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Kylie Jenner Comes Out as Chemtrail Truther

By: Laura Meyers

It’s a good thing the Kardashians are pretty, or else I’d be worried.

Kylie Jenner recently announced her support of the chemtrail conspiracy theory on Twitter. The conspiracy says that long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents that are part of a deliberate plot by the federal government to be inhaled or ingested by the general public. Don’t worry, Infowars knows and Alex Jones is in love.

The picture reads:

“Lets [sic] ask ourselves…
Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff into the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?

Who pays for this and why is it happening?

Is something being exterminated here?

Is that something me?

Does this have anything to do with why Honey Bee’s [sic] are Dying off really fast?

Why are some days normal with no planes spraying and others look like this?

Whos is responcible [sic]?

What effect will this have on our health and our childrens [sic] future?


Am I the only one who sees this?”

She is so passionate about the idea that she said she would be willing to a Ted Talk on the theory.

There there, pretty girl.



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