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Jim Webb Considering Independent Run

Jim Webb’s  performance at the first Democratic debate made headlines, and not because of how well he did. In fact, Webb, a war hero, celebrated author, and all-around respectable man, was ignored for much of the evening. Then the party faithful and liberal media mocked Webb’s reply to a question to the candidates about which enemy they were most proud of. Webb recalled a moment from his service in the Vietnam war where he was injured from grenade in the process of saving a man’s life, before killing the grenade thrower.

Related: Jim Webb’s Son Defends His Father For Killing a Man

The treatment Webb received made headlines with independent and right wing media. His name recognition now likely at an all-time high, Webb has announced a press conference to explore his options. The man who was never a great fit for the Democratic Party, as he leans right on several issues, now seems poised to launch an independent campaign for president.

Politico reports:

Jim Webb, the longshot Democratic presidential candidate, may run as an independent, his campaign said in an email to reporters on Monday evening.

The former Virginia senator, who complained last week about not having enough talking time on the stage during the first Democratic debate in Las Vegas, will hold a press conference in Washington on Tuesday to discuss his options.

During the debate, Webb alluded to his decision to run as a Democrat, suggesting it had been a topic of consideration. He has been to the right of the other candidates on most domestic policy issues.

If Webb does run as an independent, it could be really interesting. The splash he made after the debate suggests he may have some cross party appeal. If the GOP is reckless enough to elect someone like Trump, Webb may be able to peel some Republican voters away from the party.

It’s also clear that with Joe Biden rumored to be entering the fray, that Webb has no shot in the Democratic Party.

Related: Jim Webb: Democratic Debate Was Fixed

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