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Jill Stein: We Need To Study the Effects of Wi-Fi on Children

Stein Was Bashed For Her Answer

By: Elias J. Atienza

Green Party nominee Jill Stein on Reddit called for more research on the effects of Wi-Fi radiation on children in response to a question asking about her previous statements on Wi-Fi and children.

During her Ask Me Anything session, Stein wrote that she didn’t have a personal opinion on the matter, but that the science wasn’t conclusive enough.

A number of scientific studies have raised red flags about possible health effects of WiFi radiation on young children. I do not have a personal opinion that WiFi is or isn’t a health issue for children. There is not enough information to know. I do however believe in science. Scientific research should go forward and find out. Countries including Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Israel, Russia and China, have banned or restricted these technologies in schools.
These concerns were ignited by a recent National Institutes of Health study that provided some of the strongest evidence to date that exposure to radiation from cell phones and wireless devices is associated with the formation of rare cancers.
If we believe in science, which i think most Redditors do, let’s follow the science where it takes us.

In response, many Redditors said that she was wrong on several of the matters. Many took offense at the article Stein linked, a journal article on a single study which has not been peer reviewed or published.

“Yes I understand the peer review process and yes I understand the fact that the reviewers are supposed to tear into a paper before it is released, but an incomplete, impartial report with this many fundamental flaws being held up as ‘evidence’ or as a ‘scientific finding’ or ‘scientific paper’ is disingenuous and pandering,” one Redditor wrote.

In addition, other Redditors disputed the claim that several countries have banned Wi-Fi in schools.

“You listed Poland as an example, and that is a manipulation. Yes, wifi in schools is limited but that isn’t because it’s believed to be harmful, rather- to stop kids from using the internet while in class. All the teachers in schools do have access to wifi, it’s just secured with a password. It’s probably the case with all the other countries you listed as well,” one Redditor claimed.

Stein will be debating Governor Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee, on October 31 and November 1 on PBS.

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