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ISIS Reportedly Tricks Mother Into Eating Her Own Son

A British man who left the UK to go fight ISIS recounted a horrific tale of the Islamic State’s savagery. Yasir Abdulla, a Briton of Kurdish ancestry left behind his wife and four children to fight ISIS, and recounted to The Sun how the Islamists treat their enemies.

“I hate IS because of what happened to an old Kurdish woman from a nearby tribe,” he said. “Her son was captured by IS fighters and taken as a prisoner to Mosul. She was determined to find her son and went to IS headquarters and asked to see him.”

The woman was then reportedly offered rest and consolation before she could see her son.

“They brought her cups of tea and fed her a meal of cooked meat, rice and soup. She thought they were kind,” he said.“But they had killed him and chopped him up and after she finished the meal and asked to see her son they laughed and said, ‘You’ve just eaten him,’” Abdulla said according to the NY Post.

While the story isn’t verifiable, and is told from the perspective of one obviously biased man, it doesn’t seem so far-fetched after viewing videos of ISIS burning a Jordanian pilot alive, beheading Coptic Christians, or going on murder rampages on the roads of Iraq.

Abdulla is one of many foreign fighters who have left their family’s behind to fight the Islamic State. The British national was moved to fight the Islamist terrorists after they came within six miles of his home in Kurdistan. He bought combat fatigues online and an assault rifle in his hometown in Kurdistan, then joined other volunteers at the front.

Abdulla described how the Islamist terrorists burn their prisoners alive. “They dig a trench, put dry tree branches and leaves in there, set it alight and then throw prisoners on so they burn alive,” he said. “IS are very good at making people scared. If they make one person scared then that person will make another person scared and soon everyone is scared of IS.”

“But the Kurds are not scared of them. Someone has to stand and fight. We have got thousands of people in many villages and towns behind us. If we fall then all of those places fall, and that can’t happen.”

Abdulla went home to Great Britain recently, but vowed to return to Iraq to continue the battle against the Islamic State.

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