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Interview with Eric July: Former Democrat Turned Libertarian

July Has Become One of the Newest Voices in Libertarianism

by Josh Guckert

Recently, I documented a video from Eric July, wherein he explained how minimum wage adversely affects those whom it is intended to help. For his exploits, July has become nationally known, appearing on Fox & Friends. I was able to talk to July on Saturday to gain some more information about who he is.

Josh Guckert: What made you want to make this video?

Eric July: I see that Bernie Sanders is gaining a lot of support. And I see that his supporters approach economics and minimum wage with emotions rather than economic substance. They use rhetoric such as “livable wage” and speak on what people “deserve” but they never acknowledge the economic basics. I’ve studied my share of economics and I figured that I would make a straight forward video without jargon about why people are paid what they’re paid.

JG: What caused you to get involved in politics and originally become a Democrat?

EJ: Being a Democrat was embedded in me, as with most African-Americans. It was just something you did: you supported the Democrats; you didn’t support the Republicans. And in 2008, with there being a black man running for president, it was perfect timing. Up and down the University of Memphis, I could be seen supporting Barack Obama.

But as I became more knowledgeable on subjects such as economics, I realized how foolish it was to support that party as well as how their policies are diametrically opposed to our advancement.

JG: That leads me to my next question: when and why did you become a libertarian, and how did your friends and family react?

EJ: There are family members that are confused at my political alignment. However, there are those that understand and even agree with me on certain points, especially when talking about the market.

Becoming a libertarian was a combination of things. As mentioned, I became knowledgeable on economics but I also began to think critically about African-American history. The government and extensions of the government have always been used to control and oppress African-Americans in this country. Considering this, it’s somewhat foolish that I would, as a black man, support a party that wants to grow the government and give The State more power.

Libertarianism just makes sense.

JG: Besides the minimum wage, what other political and economic issues interest you?

EJ: I always find myself talking about regulation of the market in general, and not minimum wage. Also, the role that the Federal Reserve plays is something that’s intriguing to me as well. It’s truly mind-boggling that people don’t even know what a Federal Reserve note is, but speak on why business must be forced to pay people a certain wage.

I do not act as if I know everything there is to know; I’m constantly learning. I embrace my ignorance. We’re all ignorant because we all lack knowledge and part of gaining it is understanding you don’t have it. You only become stupid when you speak on things you’re ignorant on as if you’re not ignorant on it.

JG: How does your career as a rapper intersect with your libertarianism?

EJ: I want to use every medium and every skill I can to reflect my libertarianism, whether it be Facebook videos, interviews, or in my music.

My band, Backwordz, recently released a track highlighting liberal hypocrisy as well as the inconsistency of the black leadership.

As my band releases more music, it will not be a secret as to where I’m at on the political spectrum.

JG: Have you been able to successfully persuade any of your friends or fellow musicians?

EJ: Definitely. I have people reach out to me all the time asking me questions about current events. I do everything I can to sit the facts right in their lap, and sometimes this ends up changing people’s lives. A couple of my closest friends are democrats turned libertarian just like me.

JG: You mentioned that you have yet to endorse a candidate, but that you’re leaning toward Rand Paul. Why Paul?

EJ: Out of the candidates right now, it seems that the one focusing on liberty the most is Rand Paul. And that’s what I’m about. Freedom, and getting the government out of my way. Though I will more than likely vote Libertarian, if I had to choose between the 2 leading parties’ candidates, it’s easily Rand Paul.

JG: Would you be interested in having a role in the Paul campaign?

EJ: If he could win me over, we could see. As I said, I haven’t endorsed anybody yet. But if I’m won over I would have no problem having a role in his campaign.

JG: What has it been like in recent weeks to become a national face in the libertarian movement?

EJ: It’s refreshing actually. Being a libertarian will always be an uphill battle due to the fact that we are the minority. Even if it wasn’t me, I’d still be happy there’s a libertarian out there spreading the word and getting some legitimate attention.

JG: Would you ever run for public office?

EJ: I’m a young brother, only 25 years of age. At some point down the road I will look into that. But for right now I want to just use all the energy I can, while I have it, to simply educate people on what libertarianism actually is.

Give me about 10 years, and you’ll probably see me running for office.

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