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In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, these are your best allies

Anabolic steroids are one of the most talked-about topics worldwide. Both in gyms and in exercise houses specialized in fitness, steroids are on everyone’s lips and it is necessary to understand and deepen about them as much as possible. There are those who say they are dangerous and others who only claim that they are good enough to make your whole life change in a second.

What are anabolic steroids

The idea is that with this simple article you can understand much better what steroids are and what you are getting into. You see, men secrete a substance called testosterone which is the quintessential male hormone. This compound is essential and has a crucial role in the reproduction of the species. The testicles are the part of the body that is responsible for producing it and participates in an endless number of physiological processes.

One of the processes in which it influences the most is the growth of muscle mass and it is here that we will focus the most. Anabolic steroids are in charge of suppressing your own testosterone production and they also replace it with the exogenous force that they provide you. This happens thanks to a great chemical process in which the natural production of testosterone is affected.

Naturally, the body tends to produce a certain amount of testosterone. This is a chemical process that consists of the body ceasing to produce its own natural testosterone since it feels that the levels are very high and therefore the body no longer needs to continue producing more.

Because they are used in bodybuilding

Whether you are starting to do bodybuilding or you are entering the fitness lifestyle, surely you have already mentioned that it is very necessary to gain muscles in your body. And yes, there are many more muscles than you can imagine. In order to accomplish this, apart from having to burn large amounts of fat, you must also start taking anabolic steroids.

The powerful effect that testosterone has is found on muscle mass and is what is responsible for making most men and women motivated to use it. Either for their own benefit, because they want to look better or because they will not participate in major competitions.

People who do not use steroids have much slower muscle development than those who do. The truth is that the trick behind all this is that the metabolism is accelerated and therefore it is possible for muscle mass to grow more rapidly. The muscles look more formed, hard, and defined. In addition, the percentage of fat is lower and is due to the presence of synthetic testosterone found in the body. The amounts are vastly larger than what could be achieved naturally.

What are anabolic steroids for in the first place?

If you are just starting out in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, we are sure that at least in one forum you have read that anabolic steroids were originally recommended for purely medical purposes. This means that doctors used them within treatments for their patients and thus achieved a marked improvement in them.

Anabolic steroids (the vast majority) can be obtained in pharmacies as they are medications, but their use is limited to certain diseases such as:

– Aplastic anemia

– Chronic and debilitating diseases

– Postmenopausal or elderly osteoporosis

– Extensive burns – Slow healing fractures

– Pediatrics, for the retardation of the stature and ponderal growth

Side Effects: What you need to know

Steroid abuse disrupts the normal production of hormones in the body causing both reversible and irreversible changes. Reversible changes include reduced sperm production and shrinkage of the testicles (testicular atrophy). Changes that may become irreversible include male pattern baldness and breast development (gynecomastia) in men.

In women, anabolic steroids cause masculinization. Breast size and body fat decrease, the skin becomes rough, the clitoris enlarges, and the voice deepens. Women may experience excessive growth of body hair but lose hair.

Now, when you talk about the continued use of steroids, the side effects become irreversible. Of the rest, if you only concentrate on following the treatment in a responsible and committed way, as your doctor has told you, surely you are going to have a great experience with anabolic steroids. If you decide to buy steroids online, we recommend you this trusted source that has high quality and authentic products.


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