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How To Take Care Of Your Garden During The Summer

Time is so valuable, and these days we all appear to not have enough of it. As summer nears we start to think about being able to relax and enjoy warm summer nights in our gardens with family and friends, for a glass of wine or a BBQ. However, with the hectic lives we lead, forgetting about our gardens and leaving them to their own devices can be easy to do.  However, if you can spare a bit of time creating a verdant and green space to enjoy with our family and friends is possible. 

Watering and feeding your garden in the summer helps to establish new plantings and also maximizes established plants by encouraging new growth so that your garden is brightened up by beautiful flowers. The following are Thetreecenter’s top tips for caring for your garden and making the most out of it in summer. 

Watering your garden 

During the summer, watering is my top priority. If you want your plants to thrive it is absolutely critical. Rainfall often is not enough for irrigating new plants and they need some extra help. Plants that are grown in nurseries are normally watered every day to a set schedule at a certain time each day with a specific number of liters per hour. After plants are in your garden the environment is completely alien to them and unless they are watered well they will not be able to make the adjustment to their new home. This is why so many plants are lost soon after they are planted.    

Before planting new plants I always water them really well first to make sure the entire root system is thoroughly wet. Leave the pot inside a bucket of water for a few minutes. After they are planted they will need another good soak so the surrounding soil is wet and they can settle in. 

It is very hard to say how often or how much water a new plant needs. It will depend on the specific situation, size, variety, etc. However, a good soak a few times a week in the summer is a good place to start. I check my plants on a regular basis for any signs of leaf drop and wilt. 

It is best to water early in the morning or in the evening to give the water an opportunity to penetrate deep down inside the roots before the sun at midday can evaporate the water from the surface. It is better to periodically give the plan a nice soak instead of a light sprinkle on a daily basis since it encourages plants to deeply root and look for their own water. 

Automatic watering systems are available in the market that are designed for irrigating greenhouses, baskets, pots, etc. I have been able to use them quite successfully in my garden to keep it looking its absolute best. 

Feeding Plants During The Summer 

In order to get the most out of borders, pots, and baskets, it useful to provide a regular feed to prolong growth, fruiting, and flowering. The following is what I use: 

During the summer, tomato food is excellent for many plants. Potassium is the main ingredient. It stimulates fruit and flower growth, so ideal for beds, pots, and hanging baskets in addtion to fruiting crops such as peppers and tomatoes. If I have shrubs that are not flowering I also use tomato food to give them a boost. 

A good general purpose feed is pelleted chicken manure. I use it each time I plant perennials, shrubs, vegetables, etc to provide an initil boost to the plants. A similar job is done by Fish Blood and Bone or Growmore. 

According to The Garden Furniture Shop throughout the summer controlled release granules provide a balanced long-term feed. I use it all containers. The final thing I use is a general purpose liquid feed such as Miracle Grow for my young plants inside the greenhouse prior to planting them in the garden so they continue to grow strongly inside their pots. 

With a good feeding and watering regimen and a bit of dead headiig, your garden will look amazing all summer long.

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