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How to Get More Views on YouTube: 10 Tactics that Actually Work

Have you been trying to benefit from video marketing to generate sales? Well, note that 78% of marketing experts say that YouTube is the best platform to promote your business via video content.

However, many novice business owners and marketers end up with little to no views after creating a YouTube channel. So, it’s not an overnight game-changer.

Is It Worth Spending Time on YouTube Marketing?

Yes, if you were to choose between Facebook and YouTube to promote your business organically, YouTube should be your first preference. With over  1.9 billion logged-in monthly users, it is the second largest search engine worldwide. You can’t ignore its exposure to a wide audience – irrespective of your business type and niche.

Thus, it is worth putting your hard-earned money, precious time, and effort into promoting your business via YouTube.

10 Tactics to Generate More YouTube Views

YouTube marketing demands consistency and hard work. If you’ve been trying to get more views on YouTube but failed, here are 10 tactics that work:

1.      Targeted Audience

Who is your targeted audience? Are they 60 years old elderly looking forward to some entertainment on YouTube? Or 14-year-old who wants to know more about their new console game? Before doing anything, it is necessary to know more about your targeted audience.

Unless you know your audience’s true intent, you can’t expect to move forward with real marketing tactics. Ask yourself the following questions before making a YouTube audience:

-Who is the audience?

-How will this YouTube channel help the audience?

-Will people be interested to see the videos?

-How can you benefit or promote your business through YouTube?

2.      Quality Over Quantity

Quality matters the most. It doesn’t matter if you are posting 10 videos a week if the content is not addressing the audience’s needs and demands.

No doubt that consistency matters the most in YouTube marketing but you must take your time before selecting the parent topic of any video.

Select trending yet unique topics and always focus on quality over quantity. If you have a handsome budget, it is better to hire a video editor to make your videos livelier and more attractive.

Moreover, always notify your viewers when they can expect the next video. A friendly message at the end of every video works.

3.      Share on Social Media

As soon as you upload a video on your channel, make sure to share it on all your social media accounts i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Moreover, using Instagram to better your business  can help you get a handy of views and subscribers.

4.      Embed YouTube Videos on Business Website

If you own a business and have a business website, you can embed your videos directly on your website. Here is how you can add YouTube videos on your website:

-Open the YouTube video you want to embed.

-Click “Share” and then click “Embed”.

-Copy the “HTML code” and paste it on your website or blog.

5.      Add YouTube Button on Your Website

Along with other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it is best to add a YouTube button on your website too. Ask your audience to subscribe and see detailed videos of your products, podcasts, and take part in live Q&A sessions if they want to know more about the business. Think outside the box!

6.      Title, Tags, and Thumbnails

At the end of the day, the YouTube algorithm can’t understand the videos itself, but it is the titles and tags they get the most info. You must use the ideal title, tags, and thumbnails to make your video stand out in the eyes of viewers as well as the YouTube algorithm. For this, here is a brief checklist of optimizing your title, tags, and thumbnail:

-Add the primary keyword in the title.

-Make sure the title is less than 50 characters. Though you can add as many as 100 characters 50-60 characters are recommended.

-Make sure your title focuses on the topic of the video, is attractive, and tempts the audience to click on the video.

-Add secondary keywords in the video tags.

-Make an informative yet attractive thumbnail. For this, it is recommended to go through your competitor’s YouTube channels to see the types of thumbnails they use.

7.      Quality Video Description

Setting aside title, tags, and thumbnail, another thing that’d give you an edge over other videos in the eyes of the YouTube algorithm is the video description. Here is a brief checklist to optimize video descriptions:

-Add a minimum of 200 words.

-Make sure the description reflects the overall idea of the video.

-Add all primary and secondary keywords in the description naturally.

-Promote other social media platforms and even your website/blog – add URL.

-Add links to other videos that are relevant to this video.

8.      Make Use of Annotations

Video annotations help you redirect viewers to other videos and links that you may have mentioned in the current video. Other than views, you can get more social shares and website conversions with annotated links.

9.      YouTube Playlists

Making YouTube video playlists helps in getting more views on other videos too – especially if you have videos in a series. When the next video auto-plays, it increases the chances of getting more views and it also keeps the audience engaged with the subject. Not to mention that viewers will not have to search for the next part of the video manually.

10. Paid Marketing

It is always better to stay a step ahead of your competitors. If you think the same, we suggest going for paid YouTube marketing along with the organic methods to grow your channel. In this regard, make sure to choose only credible marketing platforms like Socialboss that promote your videos and give you more YouTube views.

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