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Harvard study reveals that all thin women actually accomplish in life is being really thin (SATIRE)

In a recent study conducted by Harvard University’s department of psychology, research concluded that women who are thin are unable to contribute anything else to society besides being thin.

The study conducted included 150 women and took place over a 6 month time period. The women who participated in the study were all less than 125 pounds, had a body percentage of under 19%, spent an average of 3 hours a day at the gym, and kept their daily food intake below 1,200 calories.

The results were measured in unaccomplished dreams due to the number of hours per day spent on body, food, and/or exercise related thoughts, basic inability to focus due to physical hunger, gym schedules, time spent on meal preparation, and percentage of their day spent looking in the mirror.

Harvard University Professor Jill Hooley, who conducted the study, released a statement regarding the results;  “We knew this study would be controversial but I was passionate about the topic. I could have been thin but I traded that in to be Professor at Harvard instead. It was a difficult choice”.

One of the students who participated in the studies data collection commented on what it was like working on the study: “I was surprised at how easy the girls were to work with. I was prepared for them to be moody because of all that dieting……maybe it was their lack of menstrual cycles that kept them so calm”

Professor Hooley and her team plan to go to the Cheesecake factory to celebrate the conclusions of the study.

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