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Glenn Beck Wants Duck Dynasty… And They Should Do It! (VIDEO)

Head of The Blaze Glenn Beck issued an offer to the cast of Duck Dynasty after the news broke that Phil Robertson the “Duck Commander” had been suspended for his comments on homosexuality.

From The Blaze:

Duck Dynasty on TheBlaze” has a nice ring to it, according to Glenn Beck. “[All the other networks] will fold to pressure,” Beck said. “They will all fold to sponsors. They will all fold to money because they are all in over their eyeballs are debt … the only reason why Phil was put on hiatus and not the rest is because it is a money-printing machine.”

Beck’s right. Major networks will always issue some form of control over shows that they control.

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The Robertson family has issued a statement about their involvement with the show in light of Phil’s suspension.

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E’s decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

Beck wrote to the family, pleading for them to make the jump:

“You will either be out, or you will be the most powerful people the country has ever seen on television,” Beck said. “You already have all of the juice you’re ever gonna get … And if you take a stand and they fire you … we’ll be on the phone.”

And continued:

“May I suggest: Make your stand. You will never have a better chance. And quite honestly, you’re our best shot as people. If we don’t get people to wake up to the fact that this is fascism, that we are not allowed to have another opinion … they’re never going to wake up. And you’re our best shot.”

A&E might not be willing to let them out of their contract if they think they’ll lose too much money. It remains to be seen what Robertson’s suspension would end up like if there was some sort of legal battle. At the moment however, the idea of a Duck Dynasty show on The Blaze would set a good precedent for alternative media such as The Blaze. Beck’s business model could take a huge positive net gain if he were to acquire the show.

And think about it. If someone told you that you couldn’t be with your father and do your show together, what would you do? The Robertson family is noble in their desire to support their loved one. Even as someone who disagrees with their moral viewpoints on homosexuality, I admire their love for one another. Having them stay together and join Glenn Beck at The Blaze seems like a natural matchup. Then they wouldn’t have to worry about reprisal, and Beck would have someone on board in line with his ideological makeup.

Religious and secular libertarians can come together over this story, knowing that no matter where you come down on this issue, people should be allowed to say what they like, provided that they deal with the consequences. The Robertson family no doubt seems prepared to deal with those consequences, and is taking a stand for their own defense. Good for them. Beck is making a smart business and political attempt for himself. Good for him.

Readers of The Libertarian Republic may have listened to editor Austin Petersen‘s viewpoints on the controversy in the recent episode of The Freedom Report.

Governor Sarah Palin appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity to argue that Robertson’s suspension is a free speech issue. With all due respect however, Governor Palin is very wrong about this.

From Mediaite:

“This is all about freedom, free speech,” Palin told Hannity, echoing her Facebook post. “You know, so many American families have spilled blood and treasure to guarantee Phil Robertson and everybody else’s right to voice their personal opinions and once that freedom is lost, everything is lost in our country.”

Of course everyone has a right to voice their opinions. But freedom of association means that an employer doesn’t have to hire someone who endangers their bottom line. Business owners have a right to free speech too, and they can express it by firing someone who goes against their values. The right to free speech is just as important as the right to freely contract with other individuals. Making this a free speech issue is doing a disservice to those who invested in American freedom by mischaracterizing the rights they fought for.

There is no freedom being lost when someone is fired for making offensive remarks. If the FCC were to have called for Robertson to be fired, than that would be an example of an infringement of free speech.

Governor Palin, Ann Coulter, and many on the right have rallied to the Duck Dynasty star’s defense because they are a part of their culture. They agree with Robertson’s remarks and feel, perhaps rightly in some ways, that their tribe is being attacked. But that is perfectly legitimate, and it is not persecution for someone to be fired for making offensive statements. It happens all the time. It may not be pleasant, but it’s in the businesses interests to avoid controversy and please their customers.

The cast of Duck Dynasty aren’t persecuting homosexuals because they are not in any position of power. If these were statements made by an elected official or some other person of authority, it might be different. Alternatively, there really is no reason to believe that Robertson is being persecuted, or that Christians with their enormous resources and political clout are being persecuted.

LZ Anderson at CNN has an oped that sums it up perfectly:

“You can say some stupid stuff — whether it’s Paula Deen dropping the N-word, Alec Baldwin dropping the F-word, Jesse Jackson using a derogatory word for Jewish people as he talks about New York City — or Bobby Knight infamously saying, “‘I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” — and the First Amendment will keep you from going to jail. But it is not a get-out-of-jail-free card in the eyes of society.

And if you don’t believe me — try walking into your boss’ office and call him or her a big fat idiot with ugly children.

Then see if “freedom of speech” helps you keep your job.”

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