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GARY GETS FIRED UP: Attacks College “Safe Spaces” & “Wasted Votes”

Gary Johnson

by Josh Guckert

In one of his most passionate interviews thus far, Gary Johnson interviewed on the Fox Buxiness Channel with Stuart Varney. The two first discussed the Constitution and applauded the University of Chicago for rejecting “safe spaces.” However, the interview became more confrontational when Varney suggested that Johnson might “split” the conservative vote and allow Hillary Clinton to become President.

Though the two remained respectful and contained, it was easily apparent that Johnson’s fervor was raised by the comments. He quickly defended himself, attacking Donald Trump for his authoritarian stances on trade and immigration, calling a vote for the Republican or the Democrat a “wasted vote.” Varney next turned Johnson’s position on marijuana, and Johnson quickly interjected, asking if he would rather put people in jail for the offense. He went on to defend himself for quitting his smoking of marijuana for the presidential election.

While slightly in jest, most libertarians would likely agree that this version of Johnson is inspiring. He artfully dismantled common big-government arguments against libertarian policies. He remained respectful and calm, while still exemplifying his passion and knowledge on the subjects. While many believe libertarians are silly for some stances, Johnson showed in the best way possible that it is the opposition who is even more silly.

If Johnson gets the opportunity to debate Clinton and Trump, this gusto would be welcome on the stage. His campaign tactics and style have improved over recent months, and this interview is only the most recently signal of that.

Watch the interview below:

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