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Fmr. Bush official worried that Rand Paul might stop us from attacking Iran

Here comes the “isolationist” smear brigade!

Dan Senor never met a war he didn’t like. During the Bush administration, Senor was one of the main advocates for regime change in Iraq. In an interview with ABC, the neoconservative Trotskyite bemoans the influence of limited government Republicans in the GOP and worries that if we don’t attack Syria, it might mean we won’t get to attack Iran either.

From Rawstory:

 “One is sort of the Rand Paul camp: loosely defined, isolationists, doesn’t want to be engaged in the world no matter what Obama says, can’t be moved,” he explained. “There’s another camp… which has been supportive of engagement in the world, but they say they don’t trust Obama, they don’t have confidence in him, they don’t think he competent.”

“And the problem with that argument is it means that they’re not going to be for any military force anywhere for the next three years,” Senor warned. “President Obama is our commander-in-chief for the next three years. If they’re saying they don’t have confidence in him to execute, what message does that send to Tehran, where we want to be presenting a credible threat of military force in order to get them to stop the nuclear program?”

In the end, Senor predicted that the resolution to use force in Syria would pass the Senate, but not the House.

“And I encourage the president to act regardless, but I don’t think he will,” he said.

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