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Top 5 Reasons Why War Between Trump and MSM is Mutually Beneficial

By J.W. Holland

Since the beginning of the 2016 election cycle, President-elect Donald Trump’s relationship with the press has been anything but cozy. Other than the less than hidden support from Fox News the majority of the national media has been solidly anti-Trump. In the media’s defense Trump seemed to blame most hiccups in his campaign and now his subsequent transition to the White House on a narrative that mainstream news was after him.

It didn’t matter if Trump made a fool out of himself during a press conference, tweeted something borderline insane, or an old video recording from his past resurfaced the media failed to make anything stick. Alternatively, The Donald’s antagonistic style with news organizations and their inability to take the bait made him the unlikely front runner early in the race. His supporters ate it up, and to his detractors, it proved his lack of qualifications for the job.

So who has the most to lose, and which side is the biggest winner in the continuing squabble? The answer is, neither and both. Each participant has both been bruised and elevated in this battle. In fact, it seems that the more the war wages on the more obvious it is that they are benefiting from each other. And that their cycle will likely continue, as they now almost need each other. Here is why.

1. Affirmation of Bias

Trump is allowed to remain the hero to his base. He is rude to the “liberal” media, and his supporters love it. As long as he can hold on to the narrative that the media is against him, nothing that is reported by the likes of CNN or MSNBC will be taken seriously by those who voted for him. Conversely, the MSM can continue to use Trump’s antics as a rating boon. Two issues come into play here; his detractors will watch to be comforted in their beliefs of what a buffoon he is. His supporters will occasionally tune in out of curiosity to see what the “fake news” people are saying about their savior today. Then they both can take to social media to fight to the death over the story of the day.

2. Deflection

The media will always have a target, to keep from focusing on the real problems of government. No matter how often Congress reaches further into our pockets or invades in our lives, the media will be able to focus on Trump. Is government stepping on civil liberties? So what, Trump tweeted about Rosie O’Donnell. We bombed another middle-eastern country? So what, Trump said “p***y”. The reverse is that Trump will be able to blame all of his missteps on the big bad mainstream media lying about him. No matter how bad he screws up, the message will be that either the reports are made up, or the reporters are biased.

3. Spotlight and Headlines

Everything Trump says will be highlighted. Certainly, everything a president says or does gets scrutinized, but we haven’t seen anything yet. Trump’s ego and incessant need to be at the forefront of all news cycles will assure his continued outrageousness. Media will be so ravenous to uncover the next “gotcha” that they will over analyze everything. All while Trump and his minion’s real agenda will most likely go unnoticed.

4. Rallying the Base and Avoidance of Establishment

The MSM can further demonize the entire GOP. No matter how correct the Republican’s are on any issue, their motives will be easily more questioned simply because Trump is the leader of the party. This action will allow Trump to easily disengage himself from the mainstream of the party again when re-election time rolls around. He can blame any and all failures of his administration on those in the GOP that dare stand against him, and he will have those same MSM reports backing his narrative.

5. Reputation for Power

Both will be more hated but unquestionably stronger in 2020. Those who opposed Trump in 2016 will most likely not be swayed by anything he does in the next four years. The daily news will only reinforce and grow their distaste for President Trump. The more they seek validation for their hatred, the more power the MSM will hold over them. All that visceral hatred will equate into big ratings, and even bigger during the next election cycle. However, the same action will embolden Trump with more ammunition of an out of control media, seeking only to destroy him. Those who supported him in 2016 will also be left unswayed by anything that happens during his coming administration. Elections are, after all, about winning.

While we continue to find ourselves caught in the middle of this ongoing squabble between Trump and the media, they both benefit from our gullibility. Each will be able to grow capital with their supporters and with each other’s enemies. We will be left to cipher through each headline to divide fact from fiction.

When both sides benefit, trust nobody.

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