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Feminist Speaks Out For Abolishing “The Sex Class Men”

“We will never get justice for women until we dismantle the caste system called gender,” reads feminist Lierre Keith. Speaking to a group at the Multnomah Count Library in Portland, Oregon, Keith advocated for the destruction of the male sex.

“Liberty and a living planet will only be won when masculinity, its religion, its economics, its psychology and its sex is resisted and finally defeated.” It would be easy to write this kind of nonsense off if it weren’t so plainly visible the effects of the destruction of masculinity in modern society. Mass murderer Elliot Rodger, whose killing spree last week ended in the deaths of four men and two women, is arguably the product of a culture that produces effeminate, ineffectual men whose masculinity has been so eroded as to turn them into psychopaths.

Side Note: Doug Giles penned an excellent tip sheet over at ClashDaily on the problems with whiny, effete men such as Rodger. Here are some of the key points. It’s worth a read, so here’s the link to the full text and below are the ones I thought were actually useful if you’re not into the whole religion scene.

1. Drop the “poor you” crap, especially, if you live in the lap of luxury.  Chicks don’t want some puss-n-boots who whines about going over molehills in the Garden of Eden.  Play the man if you truly wish to draw the attention of a girl who’s worth her salt.  And definitely don’t do videos where you bray to the masses that you’re an unhinged, pitiful ass.

5. Instead of pining like a charter member of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely-Hearts Club Band, use that time to read books and start with the Classics. Girls like leaders and leaders are readers.

7. Embrace rejection and pain.  That stuff Elliot squealed about on his video screeds is par for the course for awkward, male teens and twenty-somethings.  I was constantly rejected until I pulled my head out of my backside.  Rejection and pain is the way of life, hombre.  That’s why God created beer.

8. Don’t wish you were someone else.  I wasted a lot of time during my early years always wanting to be someone else, and thank God those wishes didn’t come true.  With the advent of Facebook I’ve seen how some of those clowns that I looked up to/wanted to be back in high school turned out.  Holy crikey, they’re train wrecks.  Also, a lot of the girls that I thought I couldn’t live without back in the day morphed into sea-cows. Thank God my prayers weren’t answered back then, eh?


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