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Female Muslim University Diversity Officer Tweets: #KillAllMen

The diversity officer for Goldsmith University is in hot water after a series of events that have caused controversy. Bahar Mustafa, the university union’s welfare and diversity officer, sparked debate when she specifically told white people and men not to come to an event about how to diversify the school’s curriculum.

“If you’ve been invited and you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME just cos I invited a bunch of people and hope you will be responsible enough to respect this is a BME [Black and Minority Ethnic] Women and non-binary event only,” her poster said. There was also a drawing of a cup collecting “male tears.”

Mustafa was accused of being racist, but defended herself with the impeccable logic that ethnic minority women can’t be racist, since they do not stand to gain from inequality. Now she will potentially lose her job after it came to light that she tweeted the hashtag #KillAllMen.

The twitter account has since been deleted, but news reports show that she repeatedly posted Tweets that said things like #misandry (hatred of men), and #killallmen. She also reportedly called someone “white trash” using the official GSU welfare and Diversity Officer Twitter account.

Mustafa argued that she was just being funny, and that hashtags like #killallmen, were “in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves”.

“It’s a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women, people of color, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily,” she added.

A petition is circulating to remove her from her position, and has received over 4,717 signatures.

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