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Fellow Senator Calls Lindsay Graham a “Bro With No Ho”

By: Laura Meyers

Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) was caught on a hot mic calling Senator Lindsay Graham a “bro with no ho.”

His remarks come shortly after Graham responded to questions about his marital status as a bachelor presidential candidate, stating that he would have a “rotating first lady.”

“I’ve been joking with Lindsey,” Kirk said, according to the audio recording of the event. “Did you see that? He’s going to have a rotating first lady. He’s a bro with no ho.”

The remark can be heard around 0:29 of the sound clip.

KirkGraham by samsteinhp

The Illinois senator said he has not spoken to Graham since the incident. An aide called the banter a “joke between friends.”

This isn’t Kirk’s first joke. Earlier this year, he suggested that the GOP should put coffins outside Democratic offices if there was a terrorist attack during a Homeland Security shutdown and that people should “drive faster” through black neighborhoods.

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