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Delegates Asked to “Follow Your Conscience” in New Anti-Trump Ad (VIDEO)

Delegates Unbound, a political group responsible for funding campaign ads, has released a new video asking for the GOP delegates to #DumpTrump.

According to The Right Scoop:

“A group of Republicans pushing for delegates to be able to vote for and nominate someone other than Donald Trump at the convention this July is going up with a television ad nationally this weekend, the first such foray into TV.

The ad from Delegates Unbound, shared first with CNN, splices together clips of Republican icon President Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. In one such juxtaposition, Reagan says, “Use of force is always and only a last resort,” while Trump says “I would bomb the s— out of them,” a statement he made referring to ISIS.

Trump is also shown saying he wouldn’t bring God into the picture and when he apparently mocked a disabled reported by flailing his arms close to his body.
The ad closes with text: “GOP delegates: Follow your conscience” with a link to Delegates Unbound’s website.”

Watch the video below:


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