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Dark Horse Biden Poised to Steal the Nomination

From The Farrell File

The presidential primary elections have been anything but conventional. Populist movements on the right and left have elevated Senator Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump and damaged the chances of the presumptive nominees on both sides. The conventional wisdom that told us a Clinton v. Bush general election was likely doesn’t appear to be holding water. The establishment leadership of both parties are panicking and backup plans are being openly mused.

But what’s hearsay and what’s actually a possibility?

Those who follow me know that I have long predicted that the Democratic nomination would be unobtainable for Hillary Clinton. Her polarizing image and mounting scandals make her too much of a liability to stake the Democrats chances at the White House on.

But don’t go popping the corks on the champagne, Bernie Sanders supporters. The Vermont Senator will not be the Democratic nominee. He’s nothing more than an opening act playing to the cheap seats. The real show hasn’t even started yet.

Enter the dark horse

Joe Biden hasn’t even entered the race yet and he is polling at 20% nationally. He’s enjoying a nice surge just on the continual reports that he will enter the race. Sanders is only at 23%, meaning Biden is nearly within the margin of error of second place.

Make no mistake, Joe Biden is entering the race. He’s formed an exploratory committee, talked to donors, received his wife’s permission to run, and has made sure his name stays in the news.

Biden is positioning himself as a moderate, sensible, and pragmatic alternative to the hard left, open socialism of Sanders. He will run to the right of Obama, as is evidence by his recent pro-life declaration, and he will reenergize a voting bloc that has been scattered for decades, Catholic Democrats.

Biden will run a Kennedyesque campaign and will be seen as a reasonable choice compared to Hillary and her scandals and the openly socialist Bernie Sanders.

A tale of two Democrat Machines

Those who follow Democrat politics know that Obama and his people are not friendly with the Clintons and their people. It began with the contentious Democratic primaries before the 2008 election that would see Obama elected as the nation’s first black president. Hillary refused to bow out of the race, even when it was clear that Obama held the advantage and the majority of Democratic support. She continued to use her vast political war chest to drag out the primaries, necessitating Obama’s team to use time and money that would have been better spent fighting John McCain.

Obama’s political machine is much more ideological than the Clinton machine which favors political pragmatism. Each camp has their donors and their grassroots warriors. But the Clinton camp is coming to be seen more and more as an old guard of the left, tainted with decades of scandals and bad press.

Many of Obama’s donors have largely held back thus far this election season; they’re waiting to see if Biden gets in. When he does he will enjoy the endorsement of President Obama and have access to all of Obama’s campaign resources.

Biden is already polling at 20%– factor in his announcement bump, some solid funding, and the president in his corner and Joe Biden captures the Democratic nomination.


Read more at The Farrell File

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