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Cruz: End IRS, Put 90,000 Agents On Southern Border

Senator Ted Cruz appears to making moves to appeal to grassroots conservatives. It could work…

Breitbart reports

DES MOINES, Iowa — GOP presidential candidate

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said with the flat tax plan that he supports, the IRS can be abolished, and America can put those 90,000 IRS employees to work down at the Southern Border.

“We need to padlock that building. Take all 90,000 and move them down on the southern border,” Cruz said of the employees currently working at the IRS building. “Imagine if you traveled thousands of miles in the blazing sun, you’re swimming across the Rio Grande, and the first thing you see is 90,000 IRS agents; you’d turn around and go home, too!”

Cruz addressed Iowa voters at the Iowa GOP Growth and Opportunity Party event at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, along with nine other GOP presidential candidates.

He said he believes in the simple flat tax. “The simple flat tax says for every American–every individual, a family of four–the first $36,000 of income you earn, you pay zero,” he explained.

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