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Cops Plant Drugs On Children in Safety Exercise. K9 Dog Bites A Child.

Not Very Good Judgment From Local Judge

BRAZIL, IN – An 11-year-old boy was treated for minor injuries after being bitten by a police dog when officers planted drugs on him for a public safety demonstration. The child was taking part in a planned exercise where police planted small amounts of drugs on children in order to get them ready for their adulthood living in an Orwellian police state.

The Libertarian Republic spoke to Chief McQueen of the Brazil Police Department and the officer confirmed that the drugs planted on kids were marijuana. He could not confirm the source of the illegal substance which he referred to as “training tools”. Officer McQueen stated that the event was part of a public safety demonstration for a local ribbon day celebration.

According to the Brazil Times:

According to the report, the officer and his K-9 partner, Max, as well as another K-9 team were requested by Clay County Superior Court Judge J. Blaine Akers to carry out a simulated raid of a party with actors in place to help “educate the Clay County fifth-graders on drug awareness.”

The officers reported on what happened saying, “As I got closer to the actors, Max began searching the juveniles. The first male juvenile began moving his legs around as Max searched him. When the male began moving his legs, (this is what) I believe prompted Max’s action to bite the male juvenile on the left calf.”

The child was taken to St. Vincent Clay hospital and was treated for minor puncture wounds to his calf. The dog was taken out of service until test results from a veterinarian are returned.

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