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Cops Kill More White People Than Blacks [VIDEO]

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“Yes, he should not have resisted, but all Americans, every one of us, should pity Mr. Garner and his family,” Bill O’Reilly said, striking a sympathetic tone on his show last night.  O’Reilly’s monologue on the case of Eric Garner last night on Fox revealed shocking statistics about how many black people are killed versus white people by police officers.

Among the findings:

So the issue is in how we view the total population. Blacks are a much smaller population but, adjusting for population size, they are killed approximately twice as much as whites. They also commit approximately twice as many murders on average, again adjusted for the population. So, it seems as if there is a twofold problem to address here. While police misconduct is clearly out of control, the black community both suffers, and inflicts suffering, at higher rates.

Hear the editor of The Libertarian Republic talking on these topics on today’s episode of the Freedom Report podcast:

Transcript of Fox News segment thanks to Daily Caller: 

Bill O’Reilly: “Another grand jury declines to prosecute a police officer who killed an African-American. That is the subject of this evening’s Talking Points Memo. … On July 17, New York City police confronted 43-year-old Eric Garner in Staten Island. Garner, a low-level street dealer of illegal cigarettes, was not happy to see the police.”

“Mr. Garner had a record, mostly nonviolent offenses, was out on bail at the time of the confrontation. New York City police policy is that chokeholds are not allowed, and Mayor Bill de Blasio is clearly on the side of the Garner family. We will get to that situation, which is volatile, in the next segment.”

“Now, the officer who used the hold, Daniel Pantaleo, was called before a grand jury and testified for two hours. He is now are free and clear of any local and state charges, but the feds say they will investigate the case. Talking Points does not know what happened, and until we read the grand jury transcripts, which are sealed right now, nobody can know. But that does not stop some agitators from stirring up controversy. However, however, I will say that upon seeing the video that you just saw and hearing Mr. Garner say he could not breathe, I was extremely troubled. I would have loosened my grip.”

“I desperately wish the officer would have done that. Eric Garner was obese. He had asthma. He was in no condition to absorb what befell him. Yes, he should not have resisted, but all Americans, every one of us, should pity Mr. Garner and his family. He did not deserve what happened to him. And I think Officer Pantaleo and every other American police officer — every one — would agree with me.”

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