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Conservative Millennials Don’t Dislike Higher Education, They Dislike Institutional One-Sidedness


As someone who understands completely what it means to be a Libertarian, to contemplate the gradual yet steady degradation of this nation is at times difficult to comprehend. I then often find myself pondering in silence on how we got here and if we can ever find ourselves again.

Not to be a pessimist but the truth is, I never can envision the United States of America making a gallant return back to its glorious days. While those in the middle to far-left view things as improving, we who maintain a libertarian political philosophy see a nation beyond repair.

One of the questions people ask me when this subject comes up is why do I have such a bleak outlook for the future of the United States. The best and most absolute answer I can give them is to take a close and open-minded look at our education system.

A Thin Line Between Educating and Indoctrination

If one were to look up synonyms related to the word education, they would find words like inform, instruct, tutor, train, and prepare. However, there are other synonyms mixed in the list including cultivate, inculcate (instill an attitude, idea, or habit by persistent instruction) and indoctrinate.

For generations, educators, for the most part, have been entrusted by the public to prepare children and young adults for the future. In simple terms, educators are responsible for teaching people the knowledge and skills needed to live a successful and productive life.

Howbeit, as can be seen throughout history, the American education system has gradually changed from one centered around training young people to one focused on indoctrinating them.

As for those who desire to implement their own unique beliefs alongside the mandated curriculum, as long as they “offer instruction in ‘the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools,’” they’re free to do so.

And though the education system in the United States has always had its fair share of issues, at no other time in our history has it gotten to the point it is now. Schools of learning were once places of free thought. Now they’re absolutely anti-free speech.

Universities in this country have gotten out of hand when it comes to repudiating and ostracizing students and faculty who hold differing views with that of the Far-Left (a group that has always been linked to ideologies such as communism, anarchism, and Naziism).

Conservative Educators Are Not Welcome in Many American Universities

According to the Los Angeles Times, academia is one of the most liberal occupations to be in now. But hasn’t it always been that way? The answer to that question is a bit too long and complex to cover in this article. The answer, however, would be yes.

Nevertheless, the Liberalism of today is nothing close to the Classical Liberalism of yesteryear. The old-school Liberals were at one time closer to Libertarianism than they are now. In an article published by Science Daily:

“Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and ideology belonging to liberalism in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government.

The article goes on to explain, “Classical liberalism is built on ideas that had already arisen by the end of the 18th century, such as selected ideas of Adam Smith, John Locke, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo.

“It drew on a psychological understanding of individual liberty, the contradictory theories of natural law and utilitarianism, and a belief in progress. Both modern American conservatism and social liberalism split from Classical Liberalism in the early 20th century.

At that time conservatives adopted the Classic Liberal beliefs in protecting economic civil liberties. Conversely, social liberals adopted the Classical Liberal belief in defending social civil liberties.”

“Neither ideology adopted the pure Classical Liberal belief that government exists to protect both social & economic civil liberties.”

And, so, this is why Libertarians find it difficult to find a place in both philosophical and political arenas these days.

The Negative Environment of Traditional Universities Is Driving More Students to Take Online Courses

The “us against them” environment propagated by the so-called “Leftists” has led to a growing number of college-aged students choosing alternative ways of pursuing higher education. This growing trend has resulted in more students enrolling in online courses.

In an article posted by The Quad, Ron Paul is quoted as saying, Students need a curriculum that empowers them to take responsibility for their own education (to teach themselves), for their own futures, and for their own lives.”

Additionally, the post goes on to explain how home-based education programs such as homeschooling and online college courses “runs contrary to the ‘modern welfare state’ so it needs freedom from the intrusive influence of the federal government. Such is to say, education requires freedom from federal funding.” 

It’s been less than a decade ago that obtaining a respectable education in the comfort of one’s home was reserved for only those wealthiest enough to pay for such.

Not only that but the number of choices have skyrocketed, meaning one can take courses from reputable colleges from around the globe, such as an online MBA in Australia, for instance.

But the Internet has opened many doors in terms of education and business – the Internet has brought with it freedom for those who don’t abuse it and only utilize it in that manner.

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