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College Republicans Silence Johnson Endorsers for Lack of Obedience


College Republicans Indicate Punishment Must Be Severe for Johnson Endorsement

by Josh Guckert

On Saturday, the New York Federation of College Republicans indicated that it was revoking recognition of the Cornell University chapter. The punitive action was taken in retaliation against Cornell for endorsing Gary Johnson on Friday. The New York Federation called Cornell’s actions “unacceptable.” They then gave Cornell the ultimatum to immediately revoke their endorsement, which it refused.

After this, the executive board of the federation voted 6-3 to take “swift action” and revoke recognition. The Cornell Republicans plans to also temporarily change its name to the Cornell Conservatives. This plan comes after the group was threatened with a lawsuit. The federation’s chair, Eli Nachmany of New York University, indicates on his LinkedIn profile that he is currently working for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Cornell Executive Director Austin McLaughlin asserted defiance. McLaughlin states that “The Cornell Republicans will stand by our principles and not fall in line with a Trump henchman.” The chapter indicated that they were endorsing Johnson because he was the “true conservative” in the presidential race.

Interestingly enough, the New York Federation’s actions could have the exact opposite effect which it intended. That is, even more College Republicans may express their disdain for Donald Trump. This response could perhaps best occur by speaking out against this censorship of dissenting opinion. Republicans often suggest they are constitutionalists and free-thinkers, but this act by the New York governing body indicates otherwise.

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