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CNN Calls Out Bloomberg’s Group’s Latest Distortion on School Shootings (VIDEO)

Can Someone Check The Temperature In Hell? 

Former Mayor Bloomberg’s $50 million self-described “grassroots” anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety put out a map of 74 supposed “school shootings” that went viral this week, and even CNN is calling the group out for massively distorting the truth.

By CNN’s count, “15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Oregon — a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school.” In other words, approximately 79% of the “school shootings” claimed by the activist group, according to CNN, were personal arguments by those unconnected with schools, accidents, probable gang activity and drug deals gone wrong.

Outrageous, unsupported and emotional claims by anti-gun activists are hardly new, but as the majority of the country continues to reject their anti-gun agenda, groups like Everytown and Moms Demand Action have taken distorting the truth to new heights.

It shouldn’t be surprising that a group funded by a $50 million grant from a billionaire and yet claims to be a grassroots organization might have a fluid grasp on what constitutes proper definitions, but it increasingly appears that nothing is too low for these anti-Second Amendment activists.

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