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Charles Koch Slams Trump, Liberals Are Silent

The left love to make boogie men out of the Kochs; painting cabalist images of wealth secretly colluding to steal our democracy. To them, anyone who supports business and free market economics is seen as a cartoonish villain and anyone who gives large sums of money to candidates they don’t like is dubbed “evil.”

The demagoguery and hyperbole is almost laughable. The truth is that Kochs may be dubbed “kingmakers,” but they’re finding themselves short on influence and unhappy with the current GOP field.

Charles Koch recently bemoaned that although the billionaire brothers have made their priorities known, the GOP field seems wholly unconcerned with them.

Their priorities do not “seem to faze them much,” Koch said. “You think we could have a little more influence.”

Koch also expressed a strong disliking of Donald Trump. He did not spare words, saying Trump’s plans would destroy American liberty.

“Well, then you destroy a free society,” Koch said of Trump’s plan to ban Islamic immigration. “Who is it that said, ‘If you want to defend your liberty, the first thing you’ve got to do is defend the liberty of people you like the least?'”

The Kochs, much to the chagrin of the left’s narrative weavers, are not typical right wingers. The libertarian billionaires support gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, ending the war on drugs, criminal justice reform, and a handful of other issues seen as liberal mainstays. But it is more politically useful for the left to paint them as sinister conservatives.

I guarantee if you ask most liberals about the Kochs, they will assure you the Kochs are just like Donald Trump.

Rest assured, if either brother had said anything even remotely positive about Trump, the media and the left would be up in arms about it–charging that the GOP is the party of the wealthy, etc. etc.

But when a liberal boogie man takes a swipe at the Republican front runner and then laments that his money doesn’t earn him any influence with presidential candidates– the liberals are silent.

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