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Boyfriend commits suicide rather than enter another clothes shop with girlfriend

XUZHOU, CHINA – A man jumped to his death after a heated argument with his girlfriend who insisted on going to another clothes shop. Tao Hsiao, 38, was seen jumping to his death from a balcony at a shopping mall after a five-hour shopping trip with his girlfriend.

Hsiao was already loaded with more bags than he could carry, and his girlfriend reportedly wanted to continue looking in another store. He told her she had more shoes than she could wear in a lifetime, prompting her to shout at him that he was a “skinflint” who was “spoiling Christmas.”

A brief shouting match ensued, ending with the man throwing the bags on the floor and hopping over the balcony, destroying Christmas decorations on his seven-story fall to the ground.

Hsiao was killed instantly. A spokesman for the mall said, ‘He actually landed on one of the stalls below and then fell to the floor so although the store was damaged it meant he didn’t hit anybody. This is a tragic incident, but this time of year can be very stressful for many people.’

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