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Bill Maher Lashes Out At Islamic Radicals, Liberals Who Abet Them (VIDEO)

“I’m the liberal in this debate. I’m for free speech.”

Comedian Bill Maher appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show to discuss the attacks in France. Maher laid the blame for the attacks squarely on the Muslim terrorists, while praising the courage of the cartoonists who lampooned them.

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Maher stated plainly that “this has to stop,” and called on liberals to stop giving cover to Islamic radicals. “They’re chopping people’s heads off in the square in Mecca,” Maher said. “If they were chopping the heads off of Catholic gay people, wouldn’t there be a bigger outcry among liberals? I ask you.”

Maher expressed that he was genuinely afraid that you couldn’t make a joke and compared the actions of these radicals to Kim Jong Un and his suppression of The Interview.

“We have to stop saying: ‘Well we should not insult a great religion.’ First of all there are no great religions, they’re all stupid and dangerous. And we should insult them and we should be able to insult whatever we want. That is what free speech is like.”

Maher’s interview is damning of the politically correct liberals who are throwing chaff for dictators and tyrants around the world.


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