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8 Times Feminist Anita Sarkeesian Sounded Like A Dummy

By: Laura Meyers

Anita Sarkeesian be crazy. She’s a pop culture and gamer critic that hates on anything that smells male. But as with any hyperbole, some things she says lack logic. And common sense. Sometimes even just sense. Here are 8 of those things:

1. “Toxic masculinity” causes mass shootings

Right. Masculinity is toxic. But I thought boys and girls were the same? So girls are toxic too? Or we aren’t the same? Or maybe mental illness causes mass shootings, not masculinity? No, if that were the case, most feminists would be serial killers. But what do I know? I’m just a sexist.

2. When she made absolutely no sense

Wait… what?

In this same interview, Sarkeesian says, “I hear variations on this idea that anything that any woman personally chooses to do is a feminist act, this attitude is often referred to as “choice feminism”. Choice feminism posits that each individual woman determines what is empowering for herself, which might sound good on the surface but this concept risks obscuring the bigger picture and larger, fundamental goals of the movement by focusing on individual women and a very narrow, individual notion of “empowerment.”

So, women must have their individual choices censored because they fail to see past the immediate self-gratifying result, and fail to see the negative affects their choices have on another women? Suggesting that women are incapable of realizing their choices’ impact and that other women are incapable of determining their own fate? And she calls herself a feminist? Nah.

3. When she whined because Google didn’t give her what she wanted

Okay lady, just because someone posted an argumentative video in response to one of yours, and it had enough views to be newsworthy, doesn’t mean you need to throw a hissy fit on Twitter. Thanks.

4. Calling on all time machines! And sorry, what?

I don’t understand. I’m really trying. So reverse racism is a myth, and reverse sexism only exists in the past? So reverse sexism being discrimination against men? So the further in the past we travel, the more men are discriminated against? Girl, you okay?

5. Trying to turn over the justice system to help herself

Yes. You’re right. Our justice system is a POS and every person, no… actually just every man, should be guilty until proven innocent, because an assumption like that is not discriminatory whatsoever.

6. Don’t hate the game if you aren’t even a player

On several accounts, Anita Sarkeesian has been accused of false reporting on video games and its been suggested that she doesn’t play as many video games as frequently as she may claim. (See next page)

7. Girl, are you a poser?


In a video released in 2010, Sarkeesian presents a project describing her response to a video game’s culture, in which she says, “I’m not a fan of video games… I would love to play video games, but I don’t want to go around shooting people and ripping off their heads, and, it’s just gross.”

Not cool, man/girl/womyn/whatever.

8. Do you even build “stuff?”


Recently Sarkeesian was hating on Fallout 4 for not allowing players to build “stuff” other than deadly weapons, but in reality, the game enables players to build other things, including medicine. But that’s none of my business.

RELATED: 20 Stupid Feminist Questions For Men Answered

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