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5 Preparation Tricks for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019

The Railway Recruitment Board, abbreviated as RRB, conducts RRB NTPC exams to recruit candidates in Non-Technical Popular Categories of Indian Railways. This an extremely demanding job and a large number of students opt for the examination every year because it offers strong career prospects and immense opportunity for personal growth. An announcement is made by Railway Recruitment Board that this year they have 1.3 vacancies in the non-technical categories such as Ministerial, Para-Medical staff and isolated categories etc. As the RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019 exams are at the doorstep, students are fully focused on their preparation.

However, these RRB NTPC exams are highly competitive. One needs to prepare smartly from the beginning. Each year a large number of candidates opt for the exam so, you need to prepare in a way that ensures better accuracy and less negative markings at every part of the exam. This may help you score higher and guarantee your selection. Going through the article will help the candidates prepare for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019.

Understanding the Stages of RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019

The RRB NTPC exam pattern varies based on the post you are applying for. Some posts that come under NTPC RRB include Line Man, Commercial Apprentice, Assistant Station Master, Senior Time Keeper, Loco Pilot, Goods Guard, Senior Clerk cum Typist, etc. You must have a clear idea about the exam pattern and the RRB NTPC exam syllabus because your exam preparation depends on that. There are multiple stages included in the RRB NTPC Recruitment exam. They are:

  • Computer-based RRB NTPC Prelims test

  • Computer-based RRB NTPC Mains test

  • Typing Test. In case you are opting for the post of Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist and Senior Time Keeper, etc.

  • RRB NTPC Aptitude Test if you are going for the post of Assistant Station Master and Traffic Assistant.

  • Document verification round.

  • Medical fitness test.

  • Final selection round.

Short Tricks for Preparation of RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019

While preparing for the RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019, you should know the exam pattern for the post you are opting for. However, the exam pattern for Main and Prelims are the same for all posts. There are four sections for both Mains and Prelims, which include Reasoning, General Science, Arithmetic and General Awareness. However, the total number of questions and marking schemes may differ for Mains and Prelims. Here are some tips to prepare for the RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019 as follows:

Trick 01- Preparing for General Science (GS)

The general science contains questions from basic science subjects like Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. One of the most mandatory ways to do is brushing up your high school level science textbooks. For this purpose, you can refer to the NCERT textbooks as well. You need to have a clear understanding of all the topics and concepts. If you have good conceptual knowledge of these topics then you are likely to fetch good marks. Try to memorize all the equations, reactions and formulas thoroughly. Practice mock question papers based on general science subjects to assure better performance in RRB NTPC Recruitment exam.

Trick 02- Preparing for Reasoning

If you have never participated in a competitive exam them this section might be new for you. To master every topic of this section, you need proper theoretical knowledge and a sufficient amount of practice. You can start off with easy topics such as classification, blood relations, number or alphabet series, etc. These topics can be easily mastered with common sense but practice helps you to solve the equations quickly.

Further, there are tougher topics like Statements & Conclusions, Syllogism, Puzzles, Statements & Assumptions, Seating Arrangements, etc. For solving tough reasoning questions, you need to understand the underlying theory first and then practice extensively to score good marks. You should understand the steps that are involved in solving a particular type of problem. Your problem-solving abilities will increase with practice and you will be able to discover shortcuts yourself. If you cultivate a habit of making diagrams then it helps you to solve reasoning problems easily.

Trick 03- Preparing for General Awareness (GA)

Your general knowledge is tested in this section. Questions from this section are primarily based on current affairs of international and national importance. For scoring in this section, you need to go through NCERT books on Geography, History, Political Science and Civics. In case you have an overall knowledge of the Economy, Polity, Parliament, History, Indian laws, and Constitution, etc., then you can fetch good marks.

Reading a daily newspaper or magazines on current affairs helps you to develop knowledge about the things happening around you. This section requires you to memorize a lot of information, so, you should allocate one hour every day to study this section and revise it thoroughly. In addition to that, information regarding books, authors, countries capitals, currencies, honors, awards, and recognition, etc., is also important.

Trick 04- Preparation for Maths (Quantitative Aptitude)

This section consists of high school level maths equations. Calculations can be tricky at times but remembering all the formula can help to solve the equations. You need a lot of practice for mastering this section. Apart from that, it is essential to understand the theory behind every formula so you don’t get confused at times.

The questions may include some formula based problems like percentage, average, ratio, and proportion, profit and loss etc. Just memorizing formulas may not help, try to practice and learn shortcuts or tricks by yourself.

Trick 05- Overall Preparation Plan (All Subjects)

The time limit is short compared to the number of questions, one needs to be very efficient to complete all the questions within time. Practicing may help you to increase your speed. Revise on a regular basis. Don’t just revise the topics you feel you are weak. Consider revising the topics that you feel confident about. Take a mock test to analyze your mistakes and weaknesses and try to work on them.

When you are taking the exam, you must remember that there is negative marking. So, try not to answer a question until you are absolutely sure. Hopefully, this detailed article on RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019 will help you to prepare well and secure a job in the Railways.

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