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4 Ways to Improve your Home’s Security

Isolated monitoring cameras on blue sky

Security issues are common nowadays, whether in residential homes or business places. Property owners are advised to take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of their families and employees. With the increasing number of burglary and robbery cases today, simply keeping doors and windows closed and locked will never be enough. You should invest in the installation of durable and long-lasting structures and hear recommendations from professionals.

To keep criminals at bay, and protect your property against break-ins, follow these effective security tips.

Build a fence around your property.

A security fence is your property’s first line of defense against intruders and trespassers, including stray animals that destroy or mess up your plants. However, when built wrong, your fence installation may only attract attention from these criminals instead of protecting your home. Improve your home’s security and privacy by building a fence that does not provide hiding places, hard to climb, and cannot easily be bypassed.

Tall and solid fences prohibit you from seeing people from the other side; thus, giving intruders the advantage. If you are trying to decide how high your fence should be, you should first check your Homeowner’s Association rules (HOAs). A fence that is at least 8 feet tall will be hard to climb and can best assist with security in your property. Common fence types, such as chain link, are easy to cut through and must be avoided.

Install security cameras.

Be able to monitor the activities around your property day and night with this type of security system. Security cameras record the face of perpetrators whenever a crime or act of vandalism is committed; thus, making it easier to file a police report. When making an insurance claim to theft and burglary, the security camera footage will help you validate your claim. Most importantly, having surveillance cameras will allow you to check on your kids whenever you have to stay late at work by connecting the system to your computer or smartphone.

Surround your home with outdoor lighting.

For many years, commercial premises use outdoor lighting for security purposes. Homeowners can also take advantage of this method to deter crimes. A dark surrounding conceals illegal activities, so make sure your outdoor areas are well-lit during the night. Outdoor lighting will also make your home exterior safer, allowing you to utilize it after dark and preventing tripping accidents from happening.

If you worry about a sudden increase in your electricity bills with security lights turned on all night long, you can opt for a cheaper alternative. You can use motion-detection lighting instead. This type of security lighting will only turn on when any movement is detected in areas they are installed.

Guard your garage.

Your garage can be a prime target for theft. From your expensive cars to your tools and other valuable items in storage, all these can be stolen if you leave your garage unprotected. If you’ll be staying away from home for a month-long vacation, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your garage security. These include covering and placing bars over your windows and disabling your garage door opener.

You must also take note of the importance of installing a sturdy door for your garage. As part of your home’s overall security system, your garage door must be durable and resilient enough to resist damage caused by forced entry and the elements. If you are noticing some issues with your garage door, be sure to get a professional consultation with a garage door repair company right away. Garage Door Repair Calgary advises property owners to schedule regular tune-ups with qualified technicians to avoid structure downtime.

How do you choose the right security system for your home?

When selecting a security system, consider the size of your home, your family’s routine, and, most importantly, your budget. Between professional and self-installation, always choose the former since you need no less than a top-quality system for your home’s security. Moreover, professional work will best protect your property, validate your insurance claims, and provide you compensation for accidental damages.

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