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16-Year-Old Ends 5-Year-Old’s Reign As Mayor of Minnesota Town


A 5-year-old boy’s reign is over as mayor of the town of Dorset, Minnesota. Mayor Bobby Tufts was defeated while ruthlessly attempting to hold on to power for a third term in the tiny tourist town. His opponent, Mayor-elect Eric Mueller, roundly defeated him in questionable proceedings at the town’s annual “Taste of Dorset” festival.

The corruption at the festival is widely known, with attendees able to vote as many times as they like for $1 a vote, leaving some to wonder if they styled their proceedings after the recent sham election in Ukraine. Tufts deflected criticism of his campaign by saying that he was proud to raise money for the Ronald McDonald Charity in Fargo, North Dakota.

Tufts was only three when he was first elected as the mayor of the town. The city has no formal government, leaving a vacuum of power which Tufts filled and ruled with an iron chubby fist. “It was fun, but it’s time to pass on the vote,” Bobby said, appearing magnanimous in defeat in a statement to the AP.

Although defeated, Tufts summoned the spirit of dictators such as Fidel Castro, and declared that one day his brother would rule in his stead. “I’m gonna let James do it. He’s 2.”

Tuft’s reign as mayor was plagued by scandals, such as the incident where he declared ice cream to be at the top of the food pyramid. There’s no doubt that Tufts just totally ignores the nation’s obesity epidemic, as he was frequently seen throwing candy from parades to other children.



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