“Smart Gun” Manufacturer Patenting A Remote Kill Switch For Guns


Armatix GmbH, the smart gun manufacturer at the heart of several recent controversies, recently filed an application for a patent that includes a kill switch for smart guns.

According to a translation of the application:

Preferably, the apparatus of the invention can be controlled remotely, for example via satellite and can send information to a satellite.

The application continues:

Preferably the device, such as a clock, also equipped with a GPS satellite transmitter and meadow preferably covers at least one of the following functions:

Operating conditions, such as a weapon (who, when fired) are placed on the establishment of the satellite to a central office

Target means, for example a weapon, the device can, for example, a clock can be remotely activated

Target device, such as a gun can be unlocked by means of a built-in GPS transmitter in it only in certain places.

In other words, someone else can determine the time and place in which smart gun owners can fire their weapons.

It is no wonder that the gun control crowd, particularly in states like New Jersey, is bent on ramming so-called “smart gun” technology down gun owners’ throats.  After all, when they can remotely choose the time and place gun owners can exercise their Second Amendment rights, those rights are all but lost.

If gun owners want to purchase firearms that can be remotely controlled by external authorities, they should be able to do so. I know I will never add a device to any of mine that allow others to control the time and place  in which they can be used.


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