Top 10 Ways Right-Wingers Are Just Like Social Justice Warriors

Right-Wingers, Triggered

by Kody Fairfield

In today’s world, there are two schools of thought, the first being that educated discussion and honest debate encourage intellectual growth, leading to a silent majority. The second, being a school of pure emotional diatribes, full of fallacy and philosophical inconsistencies, which tends to lead to loud minorities.

The fallaciously loud and horribly ridiculous crowd that hangs out in the second school of thought can be separated into two different wings, the social justice warriors (SJWs) and right-wingers (RWs). The two sides are always at each other’s throats, never educating a single soul, or actually doing anything of real change.

As detailed by Liberty Laura of Liberty Viral, though these groups stand diametrically opposed, their tactics are all too similar. Here are 10 ways that the SJWs are just like their right-wing counterparts.

1. Shout Downs

Both the SJWs and RWs love a good shouting match. This tactic is used to silence anyone who they disagree with, but who they know they cannot defeat through coherent articulation of an argument. Louder and louder they’ll scream and repeat their position, never offering up an actual defense of their positions or even listening to what their opponents have to say.

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read this February 19, 2024 at 9:42 am

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