Presidential Candidates As Coffee Orders

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A person’s coffee order says a lot about them. So if the presidential candidates were a coffee order, here is what they would be:

Donald Trump — Power Coffee

A power coffee doesn’t stop hitting after you taste the espresso shot, it gives you a jab with a dark blend of coffee on top.


Ben Carson — Americano 

The Americano is deep seeded with a powerful shot of espresso. But, the added water delivers a softer tone.


Ted Cruz — Espresso

The espresso is literally a hot shot. The fine grounds that it originates from are well rehearsed and tailored for consistency.


Hillary Clinton — Black Coffee

Black coffee is bitter, perhaps from 2008. It can be paired with cream, sugar, or both depending on which one will get more people to drink it.


Marco Rubio — Breve

The steamed half and half in a breve makes it taste good for moderate coffee drinkers, however it is still has espresso for the more hardcore aficionados.


Jeb Bush — Cappuccino 

The cappuccino’s milk foam on top is the next generation of steamed milk below. It is well funded with espresso and is an iconic drink by many establishments.


Carly Fiorina — Vienna

The Vienna is espresso, hidden by whipped cream. The drink provides a short and strong performance, but isn’t a drink that will last throughout the day.


John Kasich — Dirty Chai Latte

The spiced tea in the latte is accomplished and the drink contains a small shot of espresso. The steamed milk governs and the milk foam calms the drink.


Rand Paul — Cafe Latte

The Cafe Latte is a lot of steamed milk with a espresso. The drink tries to be coffee and flavored milk at the same time, however it is prepared best by choosing one identity.


Chris Cristie– Mocha

Mocha’s taste pretty good, but drink too many and you are bound to gain some weight.


And Bernie Sanders — You made a fresh pot of coffee, but someone else drank it all.

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