InfoWars Claims Roger Stone Survived an Assassination Attempt


By Kody Fairfield

Tale-telling or truth? Nobody can really know, but an odd story has come out of InfoWars alleging that former political operative for President-elect Donald Trump and friend of that site, Roger Stone, has survived an attempted assassination.

Stone, who InfoWars refers to as a “renowned Republican operative,” told the site that he is normally “very” healthy, but that he unexpectedly became very sick a couple weeks ago.

“I am generally a healthy person. I have been a runner and a weight lifter. I am very careful in my diet. I’m a user of the Infowars supplements. I have been treated with acupuncture by perhaps the greatest acupuncturist in the state of Florida if not the United States,” Stone told the site’s founder, Alex Jones.

The ailments suffered by Stone were described as “routine stomach virus,” that grew so badly that be became “violently ill.”

“So I ultimately went to the doctors at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach, my own personal physician. They conducted extensive blood tests. Those blood tests were passed on to CDC.”

“The general consensus is that I was poisoned,” Stone told Jones.

“I was poisoned with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium. This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.”

Polonium-210 is a radioactive substance that releases extremely harmful alpha particles throughout the body producing cancer-causing free radicals. It has been used in numerous high profile assassinations, including that of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, and was suspected in the death of former PLO leader Yassar Arafat, explained InfoWars.

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Stone and Jones then went on to hypothesize who and why someone would attempt to poison him.

“Who would want to do this to me? I am an enemy of the deep state. I think people know that I was an insider in American politics. I was close to power in nine presidential elections. Everything Glenn Greenwald says [about the “deep state”] is true,” Stone claimed, referring to a recent The Intercept article which outlined how the intelligence community is attempting to stifle Trump.

“The Republican/Democrat Bush Clinton deep state has manufactured this Russia fraud. They have compounded it by pushing a clearly fabricated document.”

“Perhaps the fact that I’m effective on behalf of my beliefs has something to do with it,” Stone theorizes.

Credible source or more hot air escaping the halls of InfoWars? You decide.


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