Fox News Panel crushes Juan Williams over Obamacare Rollout (VIDEO)

Dissecting Obamacare’s Failures

“What they’re trying to do is to micromanage 1/6 of the American economy.” George Will

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Brit Hume and Juan Williams engaged in a heated back-and-forth over how successful the rollout of Obamacare has been. Williams argued that people are getting better packages with lower costs.

Hume interjected, “JUAN! Look… what about this? The president promised explicitly, we heard it on this program; if you like the coverage you have now you can keep it. Period.”

The full panel consists of a discussion between Peter Baker, George Will, Juan Williams and Chris Wallace. In this ten minute segment, the men discuss how the American people have been blindsided by some of the realizations of what is happening to their health insurance policies.


MommyK1 October 27, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Mass roll-out wasn’t hugely problematic – and people were expecting their costs to go down but they have not; they have gone up for most and those in small business plans are seeing over the last 8 years more than a 50% increase! That is fact. And the costs to hospitals have NOT gone down….and deductibles and out of pocket expenses are significantly higher….BUT in a state of 6 million people a solution like this that was seen fit by some of the legislators and what will work for 320 million are apples and hand grenades…

Inconsistencies October 27, 2013 at 10:38 pm

I do not consent to having my medical records turned over to the corrupt U.S. government.

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